BVC Tech Group Planning Document V1.4

Blind Voices Coalition Technology Group

Version 1.4 Final Review Content Draft 01-June-2020

Table of Contents:

Mission Statement:


Blind Perspective Philosophy:

Tactical Plans:

1. BVC Technology Group Mandates:

2. BVC Technology Group Information Sharing:

3. BVC Technology Group Training:

4. BVC Technology Group Interaction with Technology Companies:

BVC Technology Group Members:

BVC Technology Group Contact Information:

Mission Statement:

To help people who are blind or low-vision lead more independent, productive and meaningful lives by sharing knowledge about technology and/or products that make use of technology.


Gather a group of technically competent people who are blind or have low vision to research and share information.

Strategy Action Items:

• Work with all organizations supporting the Blind and Low-Vision

• Lead efforts to advocate change at tech companies supporting the Blind and Low-Vision

• Lead efforts to advocate change at organizations supporting the Blind and Low-Vision

• Find and share all relevant information universally, using all existing sharing resources

• Update information as required to reflect current knowledge accurately

• Consider all hardware platforms used by the Blind and Low-Vision

• Consider all accessibility software systems used by the Blind and Low-Vision

• Consider all items from the “Blind Perspective Philosophy”

Blind Perspective Philosophy:

The “Blind Perspective” is a phrase that has been referenced by many in recent years; usually, as a means to provide the sighted world an insight into the thought processing required by the Blind to function independently in this visually defined, designed and developed world we all collectively live in. To move forward the referenced phrase “Blind Perspective” requires clarification of meaning with attached defined principles to provide guidance through application of a new philosophical approach that embraces the actual needs as defined by the Blind in lieu of the perceptional needs as has been historically defined by the Sighted when designing and developing infrastructure, products or services to insure inclusiveness to all levels of visual acuity; referenced as the “Blind Perspective Philosophy”.

The “Blind Perspective Philosophy” is simply stated as: all infrastructural design and construction, all product design and production, along with design and delivery of all services; will incorporate accommodations for the Blind first, as then access and usage by the Blind will be made possible by default negating any need for future mitigation. Once access for the Blind has been initially established then by default access will also be established for all remaining levels of visual acuity; thus removing many of the barriers which block the Blind physically from living independently, achieving full societal inclusion and establishing occupational parity with their sighted peers.

Tactical Plans:

1. BVC Technology Group Mandates:

Goal: Share information between members of the group to increase group knowledge, allowing for group approved review of deliverable products as developed by assigned members.

Action Items:

• Identify research activities for individual member assignment or collectively as sub-groups

• Establish sub-groups to address specific areas of technology interest

• Develop a Blind Accessible Document Protocol

• Apply Blind Accessible Document Protocol to all BVC produced documentation

• Develop technical policies for submission and adoption by the BVC Policy Group

• Develop a list of Deliverables, maintain list as a trackable living document 

• Evolve BVC Tech Group into a recognized Blind and Low-Vision technology think tank

2. BVC Technology Group Information Sharing:

Goal: Provide simple access for everyone to a large variety of resources.


• Do not reinvent the wheel, refer to BVC reviewed resources when available

• document references with appropriate comments as required

Action Items:

• Expand and build out the BVC website

• Develop a BVC website management team to assist Bill Graham

• Develop a searchable structure for locating identified resources on BVC website

• Create a list of applicable links (See Resource section)


• Develop comprehensive list of blind support groups with contact and link info

• Develop comprehensive list of low vision support groups with contact and link info

• Develop comprehensive catalog of wearable tech with product info links and reviews

• Develop comprehensive list of essential Apple IOS provided applications for the Blind

• Develop comprehensive list of essential Apple IOS provided applications for the Low-Vision

• Develop comprehensive essential third party blind app list, defined with download links

• Develop comprehensive essential third party low-Vision app list, defined with download links

• Include established links to Amazon Alexa command lists

• Develop essential Amazon Alexa commands list

• Include established links to Amazon Alexa skills lists

• Develop essential Amazon Alexa skills list

• Include links to numerous blind and low-vision oriented podcast sites

• Develop a comprehensive catalog of existing blind tech training resources, contacts and links

3. BVC Technology Group Training:

Goal: To build a tech training program for the Blind and Low-Vision.


• provide a level of knowledge to achieve adequate level of personal independence

• provide a level of knowledge to achieve adequate level of societal inclusion

• provide a level of knowledge to achieve adequate level of desired mobility

• Develop training that allows for personalization as requested

• Develop training that allows for universal individual application

Action Items:

• Develop a survey form for the Blind and Low-Vision

• Tabulate survey form results to catalog individual technology owned devices

• Tabulate survey form results to catalog and identify individual technology knowledge

• Develop personalized training plans for individuals requesting technology training

• Teach mobil technology to achieve an acceptable level of personal independence

• Teach mobil technology to achieve an acceptable level of assisted personal mobility

• Create and maintain a list of blind technology trainers

• Create and maintain a list of blind individuals requesting training

• Develop Apple IOS training protocols for the Blind and Low-Vision

• Develop Apple IOS settings protocols for the Blind and Low-Vision

• Teach blind individuals proper use of VoiceOver accessibility features

• Teach low-vision individuals proper use of accessibility magnification features

• Develop Apple IOS app training modules, adhere to “Blind Perspective Philosophy”

• Develop 3rd party app training modules, adhere to “Blind Perspective Philosophy”

• Develop Amazon Alexa training protocols for the Blind and Low-Vision

4. BVC Technology Group Interaction with Technology Companies:

Goal: To interact with identified tech companies to insure full product accessibility.

Action Items:

• Create a unified blind voice to guide tech companies to resolve accessibility issues

• Develop and maintain a trackable list of submitted accessibility issues, grouped by company

• Develop blind tech training standard methods, adhere to “Blind Perspective Philosophy”

• Create a list of desired technology applications currently not available to the Blind

• Establish tech company relationships to transform blind knowledge into products

• Compile and provide Apple a list of IOS accessibility issues, with proposed solutions

• Compile and provide to third parties, app accessibility issues with proposed solutions

BVC Technology Group Active Members:

Jeremy Adams

Greg Boss

Peter Crumley

Bill Graham

Jessie Smith

Bob Warren

BVC Technology Group Contact Protocol: 

 All information, requests and questions are welcome; please send your correspondence to the following BVC email address, include “Tech Group Attention” in the Subject line of your email.